Friday, September 24, 2010

Memorial T-Shirt, Patch and Shop Towel

Here is a picture of Kenny's memorial t-shirt, memorial patch and shop towel. (Ordering information is available on the previous post.)

The picture on this t-shirt is a custom design, which Inga, Debbie and I created, and which was realized through the talent of Miranda Osborn, graphic designer. The missing-man rider, (the bike with no one riding it), the train, (because Kenny loved trains), the corn, (because this is the Midwest!), and the F5's in the distance, flying in "missing man" formation, (for all the years that these jets flew over Ken's shop, going to and from the airbase that was just up the street at the Springfield airport), are all features with special meaning for us, and our memory of Kenny.

Special thanks to Jodell at Embroidery Professionals in Deerfield, WI, for doing all of the heat transfer work for these t-shirts, and having them ready in time for the ride! She will be filling future orders for us, as well, since so many people fell in love with the color version. There is no deadline for ordering, as orders will be placed weekly, for as long as people want the shirt.

The memorial patch is from "TropiCool Accents" in Texas, (made in the U.S.A!), and is fully embroidered, with a one-of-a-kind midnight blue custom-dyed thread for its background. Special thanks to Mike Williams at TropiCool, for creating such a beautiful design, and for his quality workmanship. Kenny would have approved!

The shop towel is the exact towel that Kenny always used at the shop, which so many of you commented on, (how Kenny was always dusting or polishing something as he talked with you), and, in fact, these very towels came from his in-shop supply. They were custom embroidered, by Jodell, at Embroidery Professionals in Deerfield, WI.

We only hope that these items are a fitting tribute to Ken, and that they will help you to hold on to your memories of him, with love and honor.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Thank you, riders!!!

Thank you, to everyone who attended last Saturday's "Kenny Grman Memorial Tribute Ride". What an awesome group of people! We're sorry to have missed those of you who were unable to make the ride. Though the morning started out with a few sprinkles in Springfield, the weather was beautiful the further south we rode, down to Mt. Olive, where it was sunny and warm.

The big group photo that was taken at the Springfield airport, (prior to the ride leaving for Mt. Olive), will be embossed with the event info, and then it will be made available to all riders, as well as those folks who missed the event but who still want a copy of the picture. Also, we will have a CD of all pictures from the event, which includes pics from the Springfield airport, where we met up, pics taken during the ride down Interstate 55, pics at the cemetery, and pics from the banquet hall.

The memorial items are available for ordering. Please call or write Laura Grman, (Ken's sister), at either of the following: Cell phone: 608-358-4418 eMail:

T-Shirt $25 (Color or B&W)
Memorial Patch $15
Shop Towel $15

(Cash, Check, Money Order or Credit Card)

Special thanks to Stan Hall and Dave Winkle, for leading the ride. Thank you, also, to the Springfield Airport Authority, for allowing us to use their parking lot and conference room for meet-up and registration.

Kenny would have been really moved at the outpouring of love and kind words from all of his friends and customers. Kenny will always be remembered, and his family will always remember all of you, for the friendship that you have shown and all that you have done. Again, thank you, very very much.

Keep watching the blog, for more info on pictures!

Love to you all,
(Ken's sister)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Kenny Grman Memorial Tribute Ride & Fundraiser, Saturday, 9/18/2010

Kenny Grman Memorial Tribute Ride and Fundraiser
Saturday, September 18th, 2010
1200 N. Airport Road, Springfield, IL 62707
(We're meeting at Standard Aero's parking lot, formerly Garrett Aviation)

Registration: 11:30am–12:30pm
$20.00 Donation

Photo: 12:45pm
We will be taking a photo of the entire group, before we leave the Airport. This photo, embossed, along with a full CD of the 'best photos of the day', will be made available to all riders. Info will be available at Registration.

Ride: 1:00pm
We'll be leaving for Mt. Olive, IL, where Ken is buried, at 1:00pm, sharp. The registration staff will stay around until 1:30pm, for any late comers, but please try to make it before 12:30pm, so that you can be a part of the big group photo at 12:45pm.

Hurley’s Banquet Center & Main Street Saloon
113 W. Main, Mt. Olive, IL 62069 (217) 999-3411

The route we're taking from the Airport will be Interstate 55, Exit 44 Mt. Olive, Left on 138, which turns into Main Street.

When we first arrive in Mt. Olive, we will stop at the cemetery where Ken has been laid to rest, where we will pay our respects and say a few words. From there, we will continue on to Hurley's Banquet Center.

2:00pm - 5:00pm
Hurley's Banquet Center
Pulled Pork Sandwiches, Potato Salad, Cole Slaw, Baked Beans
Triple Chocolate Cake
Beverages & Beer

5:00pm - 8:00pm
Hurley's Tavern
Kenny Tribute:
Our Thank-You's to Everyone
Share Your Stories About Kenny - Pass the microphone, which will be hooked into the bar-wide sound system, so that everyone in the bar, no matter where they are sitting, will be able to hear.
Kenny's Favorite Music

We will have the following items available:
- "Grman's Motorcycle Service" T-shirts (Memorial Commemorative)
- Kenny Grman Memorial Shop Towel ( 12" x 12", custom embroidered, the kind he used)
- Memorial Patch ( )

If you wanna stay on....
Live Music / Band

We're making this a very special tribute event for Kenny, and we're hoping to see as many of Ken's friends and customers as possible! Please spread the word!!!

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call or email:
Laura 608-358-4418