Monday, April 5, 2010

Hi everybody,

This is Ken's sister, Laura, here to provide a quick update, after my recent visit to Springfield, this last weekend.

This first week of the six weeks of chemo therapy that is planned for Ken, over the next eighteen weeks, was pretty tough. As of this last weekend, it had been a week since the completion of the first week of chemo, (Ken is now in the two-weeks off portion), with another week scheduled to start a week from today. The dehydration is very dangerous, (per the incident last week of Ken's pressure dropping to 60/40), and I'm concerned that the twice-per-week visit from the infusion care nursing staff is not sufficient. We're working out a round-the-clock bedside attendance plan, especially for the chemo weeks.

Inga has been absolutely amazing. Any one of us should be so lucky to have someone like her at our side and in our corner, if we ever became this sick. She works tirelessly, night and day, caring for Ken, and keeping up with her own job, and providing the continual updates to the rest of the family and this blog. She is always upbeat, and she always knows the best balance between the pushing and coddling, when it comes to Ken. I don't think he could have made it this far, without her. She is a warrior and an angel, all in one.

And thank heavens for Debbie, for her ongoing help, and her expertise and connections when it comes to the paper work/financial aspect of this situation. Because of her, Ken's social security disability and other financial aid was in place, almost immediately. That was a tremendous load off Ken's mind, and not having to worry about that end of things has allowed Ken to fully focus on this battle and getting well. Knowing she is always so close is a great comfort for everyone, especially for Ken and Inga.

If you get a moment to send Kenny a note or a card, (or just post a comment to this blog), you might want to joke him about the lawn mowing event, last week! It really kicked his butt, doing that, and he was pretty sorry, the next day. When Mike (Ken's older brother), and I walked in on Saturday morning, and commented about it, all Kenny whispered up to us was "that was really stupid", and then he smiled a little bit. Ha! He's still got such a great sense of humor. He sleeps most of the time, but he's continuing with a little bit of solid foods every day, (though the liquid feedings through the J-tube are still going, every night), and making a great effort to consume the recommended amount of alkaline water, to achieve the detoxifying benefits of that therapy, too. Which brings me to another 'thank you':

Thank you, so so much, to Frank and Barb, for the Jupiter water ionizing and filtration system! God bless them!!! As a gift, they purchased this system for Kenny, optimistic and enthused about the potential health benefits of pH therapy in treating cancer. If you would like to help us in our plan to repay Frank and Barb, (even though they insist that they do not expect it), please write or call. Again, thank you, so so much, to Frank and Barb!

Thanks to everyone, from Ken, and from Inga, and all the family, for your cards, calls and kind wishes. It means so much, and it is truly appreciated.

Love you all,


  1. "She is a warrior and an angel, all in one"

    We agree. <3

  2. Kenny Dean....Hi Bud...I know you can whip this and whip it for the kidney stone...."we ain't afraid of no stinkin kidney stones".....I whipped over 35 myself and I made them drill a 1/2" hole in back to get the big ones...piece of cake...Take care and see you soon...maybe I can help on the grass next time....let me drive don't have to kick start it do you? lol
    Thank you Inga for caring for my buddy , you are one of God's peaches for sure
    A big hug and Hi to all the family....funny how I ended up back at Whittier
    Love to you all
