Friday, February 5, 2010

Hello everyone. I know you all wait for good news but tonight I don't have much. My poor Tinny was throwing up today and managed to give himself a hernia. He was in a lot of pain until it receded. They took him down for an ultrasound and confirmed it. The surgeon came it to talk to us and we all concluded that surgery at this point would be too hard on him. It takes about two weeks to heal from such a surgery and with all is vomiting, he would be in a lot of pain for quite awhile. They say it is serious but not emergent. So we'll just wait and see if it happens again.

Brother Mike is here, and sister Laura is heading down. They're still talking about a Monday discharge. We'll see.

There is plenty of room for celebration, however. Tonight they hung his last bag of chemo. It will run until tomorrow and then IT'S DONE!! Radiation until Friday and then IT'S DONE!! Then his poor throat will begin to heal and he can start thinking about eating again.

When I left tonight he was sleeping soundly. I hope he does for the rest of the night. My Kara is on, so he certainly has his greatest chance possible. That makes me sleep better. Love you all. We'll talk again soon.

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